Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Babysitter Tales: Gettin Grown

The best years of my life.

Well... just so YOU know... I have been hearing about these years since I was a kid. Adults told me they were my adolescent years when I was.. uh, an adolescent. My peers told me they were the best in High School and College. Your kid years are fun but actually SUCK compared to the joys you have when you get older.

No doubt my child years were fun... but it seems like to me that almost every year has been the best and the hardest of my life.

I have had some hard years, peeps. Losing loved ones physically and mentally has probably been the toughest hurdle in my relatively short life (although I am older than the "average black male death age".. Although I always thought that was a rumor... but I digress). It's funny.. everyone tells you about the good things about growing up but no one tells you about the strength you need to deal with the death and responsibility. As for me, I have been through some personal trying times that have bent my sense of self, radically changed my worldview, and reinforced my resolve to succeed.

I have trudged on through life... knowing always that better days were ahead and that I, being young and optimistic, could do anything.

This is why it is especially hard these days.

It's a lie.

The other day I realized all parents lie.

I cannot do ANYTHING I want anymore.

It was a Earth shattering when I realized... I can't play point guard for the Clippers.

Nnt now.. and by the time I could.. I still couldn't. I'd be too old. ME! TOO OLD!!!

This realization has hit me hard.

Yes, I know what you are saying. Okay, perhaps I don't. But I would guess you would be saying.. why would you want to play for the Clips? To which I would respond, "Don't be a dick. The Clips are kick ass these days! Get with the program. The important question is 'Why wouldn't I want to play with them?!"

You see, even good parents lie! It's true! They tell you things like work hard... which is good. They tell you there is no bogeyman... which may or may not be true. And most of all, they fill your head with such sugary tales about your ability to be or do anything.

Now... some people can't do anything by default *looks around room*. They, ahem ahem, just don't have, um.. the ability. But others... such as yourselves... DO. You can do anything. But, you have to do it soon. If you don't do it by 24 chalk it up as a loss. Unless you mean get rich. Then you usually have to wait till 30 to chalk it up. At least you better be on the path. Or it's working overtime in the coal mine for you! The COAL mine!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd.. I think I see a monster in the closet. *hits light*
